Tiger Maple Publishing is an English-language publisher based in Canada. We currently have two imprints, Fractal Moose Press (science fiction and fantasy) and Obsidian Owl Press (nonfiction). The name of our publishing house comes from a nod to an English football team and our Canadian origins. It also happens to be a beautiful wood grain.
Our goals:
- To create a truly 21st-century publishing company: a company that uses the latest technology, that is nimble and adaptable, and that strives to be both environmentally and socially responsible. Our foundational values include mutual respect and honesty.
- To produce fiction that inspires. We understand the need for creating and examining dystopian and post-apocalyptic landscapes as cautionary tales, and as a means for understanding human behaviour. But we also believe that if our art is as relentlessly bleak as our daily news reports sometimes seem to be, we risk invoking a kind of paralysis or helplessness because there seems no point in trying.
- To produce nonfiction that empowers. We need new skill sets as well as new visions. We want to produce media that will help you navigate the uncertainties ahead.
We hope you’ll join us — as a reader, as an author, or as a staff member — as we work towards these goals.